I've only managed to get access to the internet tonight, so I'll just give a brief recount of what I've been up to so far..
DAY 1.. [18/11/09]

I seem to have a difficult time trying to get decent rest/sleep on long airplane trips. I can never find a comfortable position on those cramped airplane seats. The plane ride to Singapore was particularly annoying because of this woman who was seated near the window, and I swearrrrrrrr she did not close her window blinds (whatever they're called) throughout the whole 8-hr trip!!! And because of it not only was i uncomfortable, I could not even get proper rest due to the light shining ever so brightly on my face! Grrr!!!
Didn't get much sleep after we checked in to our hotel that night either.
I had to share a room with my parents, particularly my dad who is the LOUDEST SNORER I know!!!! UGHHHHHHH. The beds we're like a metre apart, but when my dad snores it was like someone was jack-hammering near my head the whoooooooooole night!!!!!
DAY 2 [19/11/09]
Started the day with an awesome buffet breakfast at the hotel. There was literally a smorgasborg of food to choose from. THE BEST!!!
We then took the MRT to City Centre to browse around the sites, went shopping at all the shopping complexes at ?ORchard boulevard (not really good at remembering places). My feet are aching sooo much from walking like a bazillion kilometres!!

I swear Singapore has got be the CLEANEST place I have ever been! I have not yet seen a single cigarette butt or rubbish on the street! The weather here is sooooooooo humid that by the end of the day I feel so sticky. ughhhhh..
The guy who sweeps the streets.

Anyways, I have to rush this blog, my internet time is about to run out.. ARRGHHH!
p.s. the food here are soooo much smaller. The KFC burgers they serve here are like the size of the bread rolls they have at KFC back in OZ.. It's probably why the locals around here stay so slim. lol.
Ok till next time.. bye!
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