Friday, April 24, 2009

A weighty issue..

Ohh the irony of it all!

"Skinny model Stephanie Naumoska bites back at anorexic claims".

Naumoska's size came under scrutiny during final judging on Wednesday night, when the alarmingly thin and bony model was seen strutting the beauty pageant catwalk dressed in a skimpy red bikini...

"I think it is very unfair that I have been criticised that I'm too skinny,'' Naumoska said.

"I have never been anorexic or bulimic I don't throw up my meals after I eat them I don't starve myself, none of that... I eat six to eight healthy meals a day.''

...Naumoska's modelling agency website lists her as 180cm and 49kg and although the 19-year-old model admitted she did not weigh herself she believed she weighed at least 52-55kg.

Sure, a couple of kilos on her wouldn't hurt..
But while majority of people in Australia are in need of losing some weight, there are a significant few (like myself) who don't tend to pile on the weight.

I had an overweight co-worker (who everyone at work finds annoying and lazy) had the nerve to TELL me that I needed to put on some weight...
Of course being the nice person that I am.. I politely explained to her that I had always been naturally small-built blah blah blah.. Something which i believe she wouldn't understand anyway... that fat whale!!

Mind you, the evil me would have b*tch slapped her at that time and told her to her face, that MY weight was NONE of her beeswax! Alternatively I could have said something smart-ass like:
"Gee, those tuck-shop lady arms and turkey neck, sure are a good look for you!!"
"Maybe you could tell me how I can put on some weight, since you've gained quite ALOT of it yourself!"

HAHA! Touché!


joben said...

or you could have put your hand on her belly and asked her when the baby is due. lol
that's my two cents..

noone said...

haha I'm thin too, some people just tend to think negative of others. there was an over weight chick who told me to go eat a burger and I told her that I would but I'm sure she ate it already. LOL.

CherieamourXO said...

Hey girlly I tagged u on my blog!! :)