So going on a another tangent.. I wanted to share how I came soooooooooo close to performing CPR on a patient today.. it would have been the coolest thing..! It would have been a great experience to do BLS on a real person and not the fake dummies we practiced on at uni.
I'm not entirely sure about the patient's reason for admission, but i do know that she had very low haemoglobin levels in her blood and she appeared very much jaundiced. I heard the family refused for the patient to receive a blood transfusion as they were Jehovah's witnesses.
"Jehovah's witnesses believe that the Bible prohibits eating blood, and that this includes the storage and transfusion of blood, including in cases of emergency." - wikipedia
Anyway, with low HB levels.. it seemed inevitable she was going to deteriorate. To no surprise, her cardiac output (her HR, BP etc.) began to dropp. A team of us quickly bolted into the room to help. There was the registrar in charge of the airway and delivering breaths by bagging her, a couple of nurses in charge of giving noradrenaline and other IV meds, and a few us alternating to perform CPR (fyi, compressions are the hardest thing to do especially on real person..its a very exhausting task..!). The CNE told everyone in the room to let me to have a go at doing CPR on the patient. So just as i anxiously hopped on the bed ready to take over.. what do u know.. the pt's heart rate and BP improved (as shown on the monitor).. re-checked pt's pulse. Dr. ordered to stop compressions. I can only say I was half disappointed not to have my chance at doing CPR, and half relieved at the same time.
This happened twice mind you.. the patient crashed again about half an hour later. And just when i was abou to start CPR, her heart rate improved, her pulse steadied and all that stuff.. haha! And i didnt even break a sweat! hooray for me the miracle healer..!! nyahaaha jokes!! lol!!
To be honest.. ive learnt alot in the few weeks ive worked in ICU.. but i am so so over it.. Im ready for my next rotation. Paeds.
Anyhoo, four more working days before my 4-day weekend! woohoo!
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