Sunday, November 30, 2008

I almost died...

I dunno if anyone else has had similar experience..

I was at a shop the other day trying on clothes, and as i walked into the fitting room, i almost died...

... Died from a revoltingly horrific and gut-wrenching stench!!! What kind of human being can leave that sort of deadly odour?! Geeeeeeeeeeeez! It ruins other people's shopping experience!!

I mean come on!! Can't people smell their own b.o?? Or have they simply grown immune to it??

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Itchy & scratchy..

It started around 3 days ago, whilst i was doing night shift at work.. I noticed my scalp started getting very itchy. I also found several mosquito-bite-like marks on my neck and on my arm. I didnt take too much notice of it.

The next day I found myself itching literally from head to toe!! Red marks and these massive welts appeared everywhere! I immediately thought of it as an allergic reaction to something I must have eaten. Looking back, i did eat a packet of chilli Red Rock chips and some ice cream at work. I ate chilli stuff before, but never have I had any allergic reaction to it.

it doesn't look as bad in the pics..
but trust me i have heaps more really ugly allergy photos i decided no to post up

I showed my parents the marks.. My dad even suggested it could be chicken pox or even bed bugs! :S. And so i even changed all my bed sheets and half-cleaned my room. Bed bug count: zero.

I honestly thought it would just go away in a day or two. But it got worse yesterday.. I tried all measures to stop the itching. I took a shower at least a couple of times!! I ice packed the reddened and itchy areas to try and numb my skin. But to no avail. It got to the point where prob 70% of my body was plagued with these red welt type marks. I literally felt my scalp and my whole body was burning! ARGH!

I went to the doctor and he immediately diagnosed it as urticaria (also referred to as hives) and was definitely NOT bed bugs! phew! (thanks alot pa! i think he jsut told me it was bed bugs so i would clean my room. lol). So anyway, i was just told to take Zyrtec. It helped relieve the itchiness for several hours and I noticed some of the swelling and redness went down.

But now as we speak, the redness and itchiness has sprung up again! And I'm experiencing a bit of chest tightness, but no difficulty in breathing (yet!). This sucks! I know I shouldn't scratch but its jsut so damn itchy and annoying! I'll be showing up to work tomorrow with red marks everywhere! Let's jsut hope it doesn't appear on my face. Thanks alot allergy!! Grrrr!

Monday, July 28, 2008

Coolest toy..

I was browsing through Target Toy sale catalogue (yes, like most 21yr olds would do. lol), and I have to say I was very much fascinated by this one toy in particular..

Fisher-Price Puppy Grows & Knows

Puppy grows to full size dog in 4 days. Can magically become a puppy again. Talking puppy knows when it's brushed or fed. Puppy knows your name and when it's your birthday. Watch me grow! As seen on TV. New.

Can someone please care to explain how this works?? Is it like one of those Chia pet plants? lol! Kudos to Fisher Price for such innovative toy..!

Monday, July 21, 2008

Tangential thoughts for the day..

` Ebay suspended my account. Its a long story.. But all i can say is damn ebay and their stupid rules.. Im pissed off.. damn their automated email messages. Everytime i try to make a new account they just keep suspending and blocking it. Damn you ebay!

Moving on.. i have to say how 'The Dark Knight' movie totally surpassed my expectations! I initially rejected Ryan's idea to watch it in the first place.. but i thought i'd give it a go, despite the fact i totally hated the previous batman (the one which starred Katie Holmes). Actually i'm not entirely sure if i 'hated it', as i never even bothered to finish watching all of it.. But yehh.. with that said.. two thumbs up.. go and see 'The Dark Knight'! I totally recommend it!

So going on a another tangent.. I wanted to share how I came soooooooooo close to performing CPR on a patient today.. it would have been the coolest thing..! It would have been a great experience to do BLS on a real person and not the fake dummies we practiced on at uni.

I'm not entirely sure about the patient's reason for admission, but i do know that she had very low haemoglobin levels in her blood and she appeared very much jaundiced. I heard the family refused for the patient to receive a blood transfusion as they were Jehovah's witnesses.

"Jehovah's witnesses believe that the Bible prohibits eating blood, and that this includes the storage and transfusion of blood, including in cases of emergency." - wikipedia

Anyway, with low HB levels.. it seemed inevitable she was going to deteriorate. To no surprise, her cardiac output (her HR, BP etc.) began to dropp. A team of us quickly bolted into the room to help. There was the registrar in charge of the airway and delivering breaths by bagging her, a couple of nurses in charge of giving noradrenaline and other IV meds, and a few us alternating to perform CPR (fyi, compressions are the hardest thing to do especially on real person..its a very exhausting task..!). The CNE told everyone in the room to let me to have a go at doing CPR on the patient. So just as i anxiously hopped on the bed ready to take over.. what do u know.. the pt's heart rate and BP improved (as shown on the monitor).. re-checked pt's pulse. Dr. ordered to stop compressions. I can only say I was half disappointed not to have my chance at doing CPR, and half relieved at the same time.
This happened twice mind you.. the patient crashed again about half an hour later. And just when i was abou to start CPR, her heart rate improved, her pulse steadied and all that stuff.. haha! And i didnt even break a sweat! hooray for me the miracle healer..!! nyahaaha jokes!! lol!!

To be honest.. ive learnt alot in the few weeks ive worked in ICU.. but i am so so over it.. Im ready for my next rotation. Paeds.

Anyhoo, four more working days before my 4-day weekend! woohoo!

Monday, July 14, 2008

Things to do:

In no particular order..

1. Get full licence - ok. so i purposely put this one on my list to show I've actually managed to accomplish one. I passed the DQT test today. im so happy despite the fact i hate my licence photo, which I'll be stuck with for another 5yrs. Nevertheless, I no longer need to attach annoying plastic green P plates to the car.. and i can take my brother for driving lessons. hehe

2. Renew passport - can't leave the country without it.

3. CLEAN ROOM !!! If you saw the state of my room, you'll be amazed how someone can live in such squalor.

4. Get a haircut. If anybody knows any good hairdressing places, please don't hesitate to let me know. I've been putting off getting a haircut for so long as I'd much rather put up with split ends than pay for a haircut i'll regret. It's a fact that hairdressers always cut a client's hair shorter than their desirable length, yet the client will not make their true feelings known. As for me Ive had horrific haircuts and have been too shy to speak up about how disatisfied i am with my the haircut, so as not to offend the hairdresser. Instead I would just pay, vow never to go back to that place, go home and bawl my eyes out about such disaster.

Pay people i owe money to..

6. Ive been meaning to read up and really get a grasp on:
  • BiPAP/CPAP and all the ventilator modes. I still dont get it..
  • DKA
  • ECGs.
Well thats all i can pretty much think of for now..